The Truth about Vitamin C Serum: Does it work?

Boost lab syrums

Vitamin C serum is touted to be must-have skincare essential by influencers and skincare experts. There are enough reasons to support this argument. Vitamin C has innumerable benefits for the skin. Although it has benefits, users should follow a fixed regimen to use such serums safely and effectively.

Australian beauty trends are picked up around the world as they are natural and safe. One example would be tanning trends. Boost lab syrums and similar products are manufactured from 100% natural sources. The reason that supports why serums exist is to make it easier for the skin to absorb them. Serums have a thinner consistency than lotions and creams.

It is meant to be applied topically on the skin and has a viscous consistency. Vitamin C essentially is ascorbic acid as they appear in the natural form.

The various benefits of using Vitamin- C serums are

Protection From Sun Damage

Vitamin C has antioxidant properties that make it alluring for sun protection. Antioxidants reverse the extent of damage done by free radicals. The sun protective qualities can be enhanced, by using boost lab syrums’ Vitamin C with Vitamin E serums. Together they become a potent team to fight sun damage.

Some other useful benefits of Vitamin C serums are

  • It reduces the rate of premature cell-aging.
  • It reduces inflammation and the release of cytokines.

These features do not mean Vitamin C can replace sun protection but applying both can protect the skin better.

Prevents Premature Aging

Serums cannot guarantee the reduction of wrinkles. But it definitely can slow down aging when used daily. Sun exposure damages the skin causing it to age faster, promoting wrinkles and reducing collagen.

Studies show that consistently using vitamin C increases collagen presence, which increases skin-thickness and reduces wrinkles. Collagen boosting can improve the overall appearance of the skin, making it appear healthy and supple.

Evens Out Skin Tone

Vitamin- C can combat issues like hyper-pigmentation. It is a condition where some areas of the face appear darker than the rest. The reasons are usually to do with sun-exposure or hormonal imbalances. Targeting these spots can result in an even skin tone.

Vitamin C controls melanin production and inhibits an excessive secretion of this pigment. Melanin is a naturally produced protective measure by the body to provide sun protection. It is the reason why Vitamin C users are advised against going out into the sun without protection. As it counteracts the effects of the serum.

Side Effects

As with any products used for skincare, some may experience slight side effects while using vitamin C serums. They include itching of the skin, slight redness, and a tingling sensation when the product is applied. However, remember that these side-effects are only minor and temporary. Serums have to be used consistently for the skin to adapt and change.

How Often Should You Apply

The general rule of the thumb is to apply it two times a day or just in the mornings, succeeded by a moisturizer. One should follow the right routine to attain the desired results. Serums are easily absorbed by the skin and need a coat of moisturizer to prevent the skin from drying.

Vitamin C serums have to be stored safely away from the sun, in a cool, dry place. There is a chance for the formulations to change color when kept open or exposed to the sun.

Conclusively Vitamin C is an effective tool to combat skin aging, pigmentation, and improves complexion.


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