Store Design: Sell Art Beautifully

Sell Art Beautifully

Modern trade, as is known, has gone very far from the state in which it was, for example, twenty years ago. Empty windows, bare walls and other sad signs of the last years of the Soviet era will not be seen today. For buyers, this is undoubtedly a plus, but for entrepreneurs engaged in trade, this circumstance makes them look for new ways to attract customers.

The most important role today is played by the design of a store, salon, boutique or other commercial enterprise. Creating a design that is truly capable of attracting the attention of visitors is not possible for non-specialists. Representatives of the trade come to the aid of professional designers and designers, as well as practical and beautiful finishing materials.

Creating a modern store design is a job, which requires several main aspects to be taken into account. Each of them should be considered in detail.


As you know, each room (including the one occupied by the store) has its own architectural plan, which must be taken into account when designing the store design. The layout, in particular, provides for storage and utility rooms – they need to be hidden from customers. The area on which the trade is carried out, on the contrary, should be arranged as attractively as possible so that customers experience pleasant emotions and receive an incentive to make purchases.

The interior of the store should be created taking into account the class of the commercial enterprise and its specialization. If we are talking about casual category stores (those in which they sell consumer goods), the requirements for the interior are low. Another thing is the boutiques and salons of premium and luxury categories (middle and upper classes). To develop the design of the store and the choice of finishing materials in this case, you need to approach as responsibly as possible, because sophisticated buyers are demanding not only products, but also interior. An excellent solution would be to use products by us: original wall panels (in particular, unusual 3D panels), designer interior doors, and many others.


The success of the trade depends on how convenient the store design is for customers. Make the room comfortable in several ways. Among them:

  1. Accounting for the path that customers follow after entering the store. At the beginning, it is recommended to place assortment zones, exhibit new items and products that enjoy the highest demand. This is followed by service areas in which customers can try on a piece of clothing, examine the gadget and get advice from the seller.
  2. Proper window dressing and their correct placement. The color scheme, in which the showcases are designed, must match the interior of the store. Buyers should see well everything that is laid out in shop windows, and the goods displayed should give customers a complete picture of what they can buy. It is important that the number of shop windows is optimal – not too small, but not too large.
  3. Create a waiting area in which customers can comfortably spend time while the seller packs the goods or, for example, a friend or wife chooses clothes. Ideally, in the waiting area should be comfortable sofas, beautiful mirrors, coffee tables, cooler with hot and cold water and other items that provide comfort.


Experts say: the competent organization of lighting in the store can increase sales by several times. When choosing lighting devices and determining their installation locations, you need to remember that general, perimeter and accent lighting should be organized in the store. The first provides visibility and sets the overall style, the second enlivens the walls (for example, decorative panels) and simplifies orientation in large stores, the third highlights the product against the general background.

For the organization of general lighting, fluorescent lamps, as a rule, are used, for perimeter and accentuation – pendant or sliding lamps with halogen or metal halide lamps. These recommendations are not rigid: in each case, interior designers take into account the individual characteristics of the object.

The brightness of the light and its color temperature must match the interior and specialization of the store. Thus, it is recommended to illuminate the premises where household appliances, crystal and porcelain are sold with cold light, and stores specializing in the sale of furniture made of wood, fabrics, carpets, food and clothing are warm. The interior of the room, designed in a classic style, will look best when illuminated with warm (perhaps muted) light, and the design of a modern store in high-tech style – with bright cold light.


Nowadays there are a large number of advertising tools on shopping sites. The success of trading directly depends on how well they are chosen. All advertising media can be divided into two groups:

  • external: signboards, light boards, running lines, panels on buildings, stretching, pillars and other means;
  • interior: cabinets, stands, stands, tasting and demonstration stands, wobblers (picture plates attached to a shop window or a rack using a flexible leg), posters, stickers, floor graphics, flyers, flags and many other products.

Choosing advertising media, you need to remember the sense of proportion. An excessive amount of such products can irritate buyers, dispel their attention and distract from the choice of goods and shopping.


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