Seo – Google Analytics Glitch in an Ad-Filled Internet

    Google Analytics Glitch

    If you have a basic understanding of search engines and SEOs, you must already know the importance of Google Analytics and how it can help or affect the website rankings depending on how carefully it is used. Just like any other tool, Google Analytics is also not foolproof, and it has its share of errors and glitches, which can hamper the value of Key Performance Indicators of your business. We will discuss the standard errors associated with Google Analytics Glitch and how it impacts the KPIs and what you can do to minimize or fix them.

    The Glitch – If you notice carefully, you may find a pattern that in certain months the website tracking data is available and shows good results, and in some, it doesn’t. You may not be able to catch the discrepancy if you only rely on Google analytics. However, if you have an internal account to track similar data that can help and compare the website tracking data you can find variance going up to 20% which is massive keeping in mind how Ad generates revenue in online business. The entire game is of getting rankings via the most number of visits and average time spent on pages of a website.

    Villain – So, who is the culprit that may stop website tracking and affect ranking, although one has enough clicks and visitors? What can be used by users across the board which hampers tracking? 

    Ad-blocking feature or option in the browser!

    One cannot argue that in the world of digital marketing, ads are the key to earning, and they can be the killer as well. There will be a very low part of the population who likes ads, and instead of actual content goes surfing ads. If the ads are not placed carefully, and websites don’t have anything relevant other than ads popping up from left, right and centre, and some even not shippable. They can be a real killjoy and severely affect, even a website which as relevant content as the user will be irritated and close the browser and probably go fishing to find solace. Hence just like freedom of speech and other fundamental rights. Ad blockers are a must, and most of the users do use it, especially if they are entering unknown territory, after doing a keyword search. 

    Also, if you keep yourself in users’ shoes, you may realize that people not just block ads, they try to prevent or avoid anything which tries to track your data even if it is Google Analytics itself. Another issue with Ad Blockers is that in most cases, it gives users the option to Opt-Out rather than Opt-in and no wonder mostly end up opting out. It’s typical human psychology.

    For more information, contact an SEO company.

    Loyal users versus potential users –

    Adblocking depends on types of users, if someone is an existing user, they won’t block ads, and however, if someone is visiting for the first time, they may be cautious and most likely to block ads and other tracking options. It’s a concern for sure but needs interesting solutions.

    So where does it lead us? Isn’t this a huge concern? The answer is “No “if you look at it holistically. If we focus on the approx. 20% of users who are not allowing tracking; if they are looking for your product and solutions, they will eventually unblock it and become a customer, especially in the case of software solutions websites. Imagine the likely hood of someone buying a web solution if they browse in “private’ mode or use ad blockers.

    Having said that it might have an impact when at year-ends, there is a difference of around 20% or preferably 20% fewer numbers to show to a potential business partner or investor. That may not look too good.

    Other common errors related to Google Analytics

    Let’s quickly see examples of a few typical tag manager associated errors you may run into which may impact the SEOs.

    Referred traffic not tracked

     These are typically done through Custom Campaigns, and if that is not working, you may not be able to gain critical insights. A typical reason may be that parameters were not set correctly while setting up the campaign. See URL Builders for more details.

    Cross-Domain tracking issues

    Most of the sites have domains and sub-domains, and if the linkage is not done carefully while setting up Google Analytics, it may become a pain later on. Make sure your key pages are structured well.

    Managing multiple properties on Google Analytics 

    This can be tricky and if you have numerous properties set up on a single account one typical issue which can happen is data of one property showing up in a report for another. This usually happens when you have set up a tracking code incorrectly. You will have to go and re-authenticate the tracking code to fix the issue. 

     JavaScript conflicts

    This is one of the most common issues and impact tracking or might break a page completely. GA Debugger is a tool which can come to rescue.

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    Name Gaurav Sinha Project Name/Content ID (02-06-20-00095) Word Count:800+ Nature of Post – Guest Post SEO – Google Analytics glitch in an ad-filled internet If you have a basic understanding of search engines and SEOs, you must already know the importance of Google Analytics and how it can help or affect the website rankings depending on how carefully it is used. 

    Just like any other tool, Google Analytics Glitch is also not foolproof and it has its share of errors and glitches which can hamper the value of Key Performance Indicators of your business. We will discuss the common errors associated with Google Analytics and how it impacts the KPIs and what you can do to minimize or fix them. The Glitch – If you notice carefully you may find a pattern that in certain months the website tracking data is available and shows good results and in some, it doesn’t. you may not be able to catch the discrepancy if you only rely on google analytics. 

    Read Also: How to Live Stream On Twitch?

    However, if you have an internal account to track similar data which can help and compare the website tracking data you can find variance going up to 20% which is huge keeping in mind the how Ad generate revenue in online business and the entire game is of getting rankings via the most number of visits and average time spent on pages of a website. 

    Villain – So, who is the culprit that may stop website tracking and affect ranking although one has enough clicks and visitors? What can be used by users across the board which hampers tracking? Ad-blocking feature or option in the browser! One cannot argue that in the world of digital marketing, ads are the key to earning and they can be the killer as well. There will be a very low part of the population who likes ads and instead of actual content goes surfing ads. 

    If the ads are not placed carefully and websites don’t have anything relevant other than ads popping up from left, right and center, and some even not skippable. They can be a real killjoy and badly affect, even a website which as relevant content as the user will be irritated and close the browser and probably go fishing to find solace. Hence just like freedom of speech and other basic rights. Ad blockers are a must and most of the users do use it. 

    Especially if they are entering unknown territory, after doing a keyword search. Also, if you keep yourself in users’ shoes, you may realize that people not just block ads, they try to block or avoid anything which tries to track your data. Even if it is Google Analytics itself. 

    Another issue ith Ad Blockers is that in most cases it gives users the option to Opt-Out rather than Opt-in, and no wonder mostly end up opting out. It’s typical human psychology. Loyal users Versus potential users – Ad blocking, depends on types of users, if someone is an existing user, they won’t block ads, however, if someone is visiting for the first time, they may be cautious and most likely to block ads and other tracking options. It’s a concern for sure but needs interesting solutions. 

    So where does it lead us? Isn’t this a huge concern? The answer is “No “if you look at it holistically. If we focus on the approx. 20% of users who are not allowing tracking, if they are looking for your product and solutions, they will eventually unblock it and become a customer. Especially in the case of software solutions websites. Imagine the likely hood of someone buying a web solution if they browse in “private’ mode or use ad blockers. 

    Having said that it may have an impact when at year-end there is a difference of around 20% or rather 20% fewer numbers to show to a potential business partner or investor. That may not look too good. Other common errors related to Google Analytics Glitch – Let’s quickly see examples of a few common tag manager related errors you may run into which may impact the SEOs. 

    Referred traffic not tracked, These are typically done through Custom Campaigns and if that is not working you may not be able to gain critical insights. A typical reason may be that parameters were not set correctly while setting up the campaign. See URL Builders for more details. Cross-Domain tracking issues – Most of the sites have domains and subdomains and if the linkage is not done carefully while setting up Google Analytics, it may become a pain later on. Make sure your key pages are structured well. 

    Managing multiple properties on Google Analytics Glitch -This can be tricky and if you have multiple properties set up on a single account one common issue which can happen is data of one property showing up in a report for another. This usually happens when you have set up a tracking code incorrectly. You will have to go and re-authenticate the tracking code to fix the issue. 

    JAVAScript conflicts – This is one of the most common issues and impact tracking or might break a page completely. GA Debugger is a tool which can come to rescue. 



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