Porcelain veneers: A remedy for the perfect smile for you

porcelain veneers

Having that perfect smile is being hyped among many people. Some may have their tooth with light shades of white from birth. And, others would have lost their bright smile because of several dental problems. Either way, people are constantly looking for an option for brighter teeth. Though conventional cleaning can help, it only cleans the plaque deposited on the tooth. But discolourations are often left untreated because people find it hard to pick the perfect choice.

Well, for people feeling inferior about their tooth shade, Porcelain veneers can help a lot. They are a type of dental veneer and are gaining popularity in recent times. Veneers are a thin shell-like structure that is made of tooth coloured materials. They are placed on the front side of the tooth, covering them. A veneer comes in various shades of white. One can choose the right shade suiting them. Unlike several surgical procedures, dental veneers are a painless procedure. They look identical to a natural tooth. In cases where even bleaching cannot restore the tooth colour, porcelain veneers can be a great option.

What are porcelain veneers?

Dental veneers are either made of composite resins or porcelain. But porcelain is commonly used in making dental veneers these days. Porcelain is a ceramic hard white substance that is for heating substances like china clay.

Signs that indicate one can have a dental veneer

There are many situations where dental veneers can help. Some of them are,

1.Broken or chipped tooth

When one or more of the tooth gets cracked or broken due to an accidental injury, it may take several painful procedures to cure it. But with dental veneers, it is an easy option. These veneers are put over the chipped tooth, and it’s all done.

2.Discoloured teeth

Teeth discolouration can happen due to a variety of reasons. It may be because of using high fluoride-containing toothpaste or even some drugs. Individuals who have undergone root canal treatment are also prone to teeth discolouration. Discoloured teeth can leave a person feeling inferior. They are not confident enough to smile. To such people, dental veneers are an easy technique to get back their perfect smile.

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3.Missing teeth

Tooth fallen or knocked off from their place is a common problem these days. It may be due to cavities or certain gum diseases. In such cases, one may lose their tooth forever. Dental veneers can fill the gaps caused by the missing tooth. They resemble a natural tooth and restores one’s confidence to smile.

Why are veneers so popular?

Umm, have you seen the smile transformations (pics below, don’t worry)?! Aside from the legitimately surprising results, veneers are also popular for changing the appearance of your smile while still leaving you with realistic and natural-looking teeth. Whether you’ve got a dental issue, or you just don’t like the color of your teeth and want to whiten them permanently, or you have a chipped or broken tooth, veneers can make your teeth look cookie-cutter perfect.

What are veneers?

Basically, a veneer is a thin wafer that is permanently bonded to your tooth to cover its natural color, shape, or positioning in your mouth. You can get a veneer for just one tooth (like if you tripped and fell when you were little, and now your tooth has a gray cast to it), or on multiple teeth. You also have the option to get either get partial veneers (meaning they don’t cover your entire tooth), or full veneers (they cover the entire front of your tooth)—it really just depends on your needs and your budget.

Both types of veneers require multiple trips to the dentist, but porcelain veneers tend to be a bit more involved. First, your dentist will create temporary veneers made out of a liquid composite, almost like a blueprint for your new teeth. The veneers are very stain-resistant, so to find the perfect long-lasting shade, Dr. Apa says he’ll looks at a person’s skin tone to make a color decision. “I always paint the temporary veneers the shade I ‘m thinking, so the patient can envision it beforehand,” he adds.

Perks of getting a dental veneer

They are permanent

Dental veneers are a permanent alternative to mask all dental problems. After fixing, they stick to their place and rarely fall off. They are highly durable and remain safe there for up to fifteen years. They are highly resistant to stains, unlike natural teeth. That is why they have a longer life.

No maintenance needed

There is nothing special that one has to do after getting themselves dental veneers. Keeping the mouth clean and proper brushing is all they would need. One can cut off on expenses for maintaining these veneers.

Painless procedure

Dental veneers are one great option for a painless cosmetic procedure. Only a little bit of the tooth enamel is removed before fixing them. Following the enamel removal, they set the veneers on the front surface. It is entirely a non-invasive procedure and does not take much time.

Porcelain veneers are fully customizable and easy to do technique to have back that impressive smile on one’s face. They indeed look even more promising than one’s natural teeth!


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