Here’s How To Avoid Hoarding Disorders From An Early Age

How To Avoid Hoarding Disorders

If you notice signs of extreme hoarding in your child, it might be time to take action before the problem gets worse. The signs are subtle, but if you’re vigilant and look out for them, then you can intervene early on. Hoarding is a psychological disorder that affects many people across the globe. It’s also a growing social problem and one that the medical profession is only just starting to get to grips with. There are many different types of hoarders, and the symptoms can be very variable depending upon the person affected.

One can always start the journey away from hoarding by hiring a professional hoarding cleanup service like Jiffy Junk.

Early Symptoms Of Hoarding Disorder

Too Much Acquiring  

Hoarding is an addictive disorder, and a person affected by it is constantly driven to find new items to collect. Furniture, clothes, magazines – they will keep looking for more. As a parent, you can help control this urge by slightly limiting what they have access to. At some point, a hoarding cleanup would be necessary. 

Building Up Of Clutter 

Once a hoarder starts collecting items, their home can very quickly become cluttered. Once you notice that your child’s bedroom is becoming messy and dirty. Then you will need to step in and plan a hoarding cleanup. If your child finds it hard to throw things away. They may be suffering from hoarding tendencies. It would help encourage them to think about releasing stuff that they no longer use or need.

Disorganized And Indecisiveness 

Hoarding is also a disorder that causes indecisiveness and lack of confidence. This makes it difficult for your child to make decisions and stop the disorder in its infancy. But, if you notice a marked decrease in their interest levels in everyday tasks and activities, then there’s definitely a problem. It would be best if you took the time to talk with them about it and understand what’s going on in their head. Encourage them for a complete hoarding cleanup of their room.

Feelings Of Restlessness 

Hoarding can also cause a sense of anxiety bordering on psychosis to the person affected. If you notice any sudden mood swings from happy to sad to irritable, then your child is probably suffering from hoarding disorder. They will often begin to isolate themselves from their family and friends to avoid being overwhelmed by their possessions.

How To Avoid Hoarding Disorders

Prevention Of Hoarding Disorders

Keep Track Of Details 

As a parent, you can help prevent your child from developing hoarding tendencies by carefully looking at what they’re collecting. Certain items, such as magazines and newspapers, can signify that your child is going down a problematic route. Make sure that any unwanted stuff they receive is either recycled or thrown away.

Help Out With Decisions 

If you spot any early signs of hoarding, you should help your child make the right decisions about their possessions. If they want to keep something they no longer need or use, encourage them to donate it to charity rather than throw it away.

Make The Bedroom A Family Space 

As discussed earlier, you can help your child control their urges if they have a limited amount of space in their bedroom. They must ask permission from you if they want to buy any new items, and you should also bring up the subject of donating unwanted items regularly.

Develop The Habit Of Cleaning Up Regularly 

Hoarders are usually too disorganized to clean up their houses, even when they’re on the brink of a total breakdown. If you want your child to grow up without this problem, then you need to instill the habit of keeping things tidy. A great way to do this is by having them help out with chores that involve cleaning around the house, such as vacuuming or washing dishes. Also, make sure you rotate their toys so they don’t get bored of them.


One of the best ways to help your child avoid hoarding disorders is simply by educating them and allowing them to open up and talk about it. If you’ve noticed any warning signs, then take the time to explain what’s going on and show your child that you’re there to listen should they need it.

Ask For Professional Advice When Needing a Hoarding Cleanup 

If your child is already showing vital signs of hoarding disorders, then you should seek professional help as well. A therapist can help them to understand what’s going on with their mind. And will also be able to offer practical tips on how they can overcome the problem. A therapist will provide you with insight into your child’s needs in the aftermath of their diagnosis. They’ll also educate you on how to help your child through difficult times after the hoarding cleanup.

Try To Be A Positive Role Model 

Finally, you can help your child overcome hoarding tendencies by being a positive role model for them. Try to set an excellent example of how to live life joyfully, and let them know that they can always come to you with concerns about their possessions.

How To Avoid Hoarding Disorders


These are all signs that you should watch out for. If your child is showing any of these symptoms, you should build up the courage to talk about it. They will be open to listening, and if they’re interested in talking about it, they may even ask to speak to a therapist themselves.

However, be careful not to push them into such a conversation if they’re not ready for it. It’s always best to take your time to make things easier in the long run.


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