Dental Clean and Check-Up

Dental Check-Up

If you are finicky about keeping your gums and teeth as healthy as possible, then regular Dental Check-Up is a MUST. On average, it is advisable to see your dentist at least twice a year. A check-up can be done once in six (6) months. Alternatively, a comprehensive dental clean and check-up schedule can be drawn up by your dentist.

This is what you get when you pay Kariong Dental Care on the Central Coast a visit today. Our dental professionals will draw up a flexible dental clean and check-up schedule that works for you. Book the dentist that takes into consideration.

  • The current health of your gums and teeth,
  • Your present location or predicted future location,
  • Your profession and work schedule, and
  • The overall cost implication of the drawn-out regular dental cleaning and check-up schedule.

What you should expect from a scheduled visit to your dentist  

On a typically scheduled visit to your dentist, there are basically two things that happen. The first is an examination or check-up while the second is oral prophylaxis or dental cleaning.

Examination of your Teeth

The dentist will carry out a hands-on examination of your teeth looking for any cavities. In order to detect cavities even if they are hidden between teeth, the dental professional will carry out x-rays of your mouth. Apart from cavities, the dental professional will also examine your teeth for signs of plaque and tartar.

When bacteria on your teeth has not hardened, they are clear and have a sticky viscosity. This bacteria is known as plaque. However, when this plaque solidifies it will turn into tartar. Sadly, tartar cannot be removed by simply flossing or brushing your teeth. Only by dental cleaning can tartar be effectively removed. If unchecked, both plaque and tartar can lead to a host of oral diseases in a patient.

Examination of your Gums

A dental professional will then examine your gums using a specialized instrument that is able to accurately measure out the depth of the gaps that exist between your gums and teeth.

If your gums are healthy, those gaps will be shallow. However, if you are suffering from gum disease, then the gaps would be much deeper.

Dentist Gosford will also examine your head, face, neck, throat, and tongue. The purpose of this check-up is to detect possible symptoms of an underlying ailment like cancer.

Scaling of your Teeth

To remove any tartar from your teeth, the dentist will have to carry out a procedure known as “Scaling”.

Scaling basically scrapes out the tartar from your teeth. Once this is done, the dentist may polish your teeth with the use of a coarse-textured paste. This paste will help in taking out any noticeable stains on the surface of your teeth.


After a thorough oral examination, scaling, and polishing, the dentist would conclude the dental cleaning and check-up session with flossing.

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The space that exists between your teeth is thoroughly cleaned out with the use of floss. Once this is done, the scheduled dental cleaning and check-up session comes to an end.

Quick Tips:

Before your next scheduled dental clean and check-up appointment make sure to diligently observe the following;

  • Make sure to brush your teeth using fluoride-based toothpaste at least two times daily.
  • Make sure to floss every day. If flossing is too tedious for you, this professional dentist in Keene suggests using interdental brushes.
  • Control plaque buildup by using mouthwash. Mouthwash will also help to prevent unpleasant mouth odor while keeping your mouth fresh at the same time.


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