4 Amazing Ways in Which You Can Enjoy Your Gin

flavoured gin

With the different kinds of alcohol you can taste worldwide, there is bound to be one type you may like. Some people prefer beer because of how it leaves a surprisingly fruity note that lingers on the tongue. But if you go to Australia, one thing you can mostly notice is how Australians love their gin. Gin is the most popular choice of drink for most Australians, which is why you will always see people drinking either gin or flavoured gin in bars. However, some like to experiment with their drink to create a new flavour while still incorporating gin. No need to worry because there are many ways you can enjoy your gin. You will have more options to ask the bartender to make your gin taste completely different.

These are some gin mixes you would really fall for:

  1. Gin and Tonic

The most famous drink you might have heard of in movies or bars is the gin and tonic. Most would probably tell you that the gin and tonic is the most legendary combo because of how long it has been drunk by people alike. Started in the 1700s and invented by British colonialists, the gin and tonic is a timeless drink that anyone will enjoy.

Most of the time, the gin and tonic combo is classified as a lady’s drink because it does not pack a punch as other alcohol types do. It is also called a lady’s drink because most women seem to enjoy the gin and tonic more than men.

However, people are throwing away the idea that it is a  lady’s drink nowadays so that anyone can enjoy the drink at a bar without getting judged indifferently. If you want to change things up, you can try adding flavoured gin with tonic to experience a new kind of sensation apart from the regular gin and tonic combo.

  1. Gin Martini

Another gin combo that you must have seen in well-known movies like the James Bond films. This cocktail has a mix of vermouth, lemon or olive garnish, and gin, a classic combo. It also has many variations, including mixing dry martini with dry white vermouth to reduce the sweetness.

If you want to have a perfect balance, it should have an equal amount of dry and sweet vermouth. And if you want something a bit dirty, you can try out the dirty martini, which has a hint of olive brine to achieve a saltier and savoury taste.

  1. Gin and Cucumber

With the many timeless gin combinations, this has to be the best one yet. Adding cucumber to your gin can make for a delicious combination because of its conflicts between the water-rich vegetable and botanical spirits. Adding the cucumber usually highlights several botanical flavours like pepper, citrus, or juniper to give off a unique flavour. You can even add this to your usual gin and tonic combination to change the flavour even more.

  1. Flavoured Gin

How else can you enjoy gin without trying to drink gin alone? Most gin enthusiasts will tell you that drinking gin alone is the best way to enjoy it since you can taste the flavour without anything else getting in the way. You can pour straight gin or flavoured gin over some ice cubes, and you can even add in a lime wedge to make the drink look sophisticated. But some prefer to drink gin without any additional preparations to enjoy the gin spirit better. This is what you would call drinking neat.

No matter what type of gin combination you put in your glass, you will always enjoy drinking it if done right. Whether you like straight gin or flavoured gin, you can always trust well-known distilleries like the Applewood Distillery. They are just one of the 170 gin distilleries you can expect to taste the best gin in your life.


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